After dinner my wife and I decided that some cammomile tea would hit the spot. In the spirit of making our own teas we pulled out all our herbs from the cabinet and developed this recipe within the matter of a couple minutes. Our total cost for 2oz of this tea mixture was around $3. When you consider that in the past I've paid over $15 for a similiar quantity of tea I think you'll all agree that it is well worth the time and effort to make this.
This is a tasty and relaxing tea. I'd reccomend curling up on the couch in front of the fireplace and drinking a cup of this in the evening before heading to bed. It'll help you relax and wind down from the hectic stressful days that are all to often part of our lives.
Below I've included the recipe to make the tea mixture along with links to purchase the ingredients on amazon. In my experience these are pretty good prices, however it is possible you can find the necessary ingredients cheaper locally. My favorite local store for this is Natural Grocers. If you have one near you I'd highly reccomend you check them out as well.
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